Chapter 1 | Page 1-2: Same Mistakes

The Story Begins With A DOUBLE-SIZE Update!

The Story Begins (with a DOUBLE-SIZE Update!)

Nate's back where he started and he's determined to do things the right way this time, but Rose is about to complicate things.

So, What Did I Mean By "Reboot"?

A surprising number of people were not clear on what I meant when I said "Reboot", but I do understand. I've heard some creators use the word "reboot" to indicate they are changing their style or presentation, or even just restarting after a hiatus. That's not really the case here, as you can probably tell by this first update!

In short, we're starting all over again from the beginning. We'll have familiar characters but in a rebooted timeline with new stories and new situations. A few plot elements from the old comic will be revisited here and there, but the vast majority of this will be new territory.

It's kind of perfect for a story about going back to where you came from to do it all over again!

Choose Your Own TG Adventure!

I'm aligning the streams! There are SIX great ways to get TG.


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From now on I plan to include the same free Extras on all of these platforms. The important thing is that you get to read the comic (and join the Patreon if you're able) so I'm going to do my best to facilitate that.

I've been working on the new Treading Ground for a LONG time, and it's amazing to finally be able to launch it.

You're definitely going to want to see what happens. See you next Thursday for more!



[Exterior view of the roof of an apartment complex. NATE and ROSE are kissing in front of the setting sun]
NARRATION: I SWORE I wasn't going to do this again.

[Close-up on their held hands as Nate leads Rose]

[Nate and Rose in the foreground as he leads her to his bedroom. Both have hairs out of place and are blushing. In the background, STEVE gives a thumbs up from the couch.]
NARRATION: I've only been back a few hours, but I'm already repeating the same mistakes.

[Rose removes her top while Nate holds her and they look into each other’s eyes]
NARRATION: It's a shame.
NARRATION: I really thought we connected for a minute there.


(Nate and Rose getting intimate)
NARRATION: I already know how this story ends.

(View of Rose from Nate's POV above her)
NARRATION: Best case scenario: we have some fun, and I never see her again.

(Nate pulls back a bit in realization)
NARRATION: Worst case...

(Nate straightens up)
Nate: Hey. This is weird, right?
Rose: (laying on the sleeping bag, legs spread, visibly confused): ...what?

(Nate gestures behind him, Rose looks flabbergasted)
Nate: You should probably leave.

(Exterior view of the apartment complex in dusk)
Rose (off-screen): Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??


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