Devil Rose

Happy Hell-o-ween!

Enjoy some art of Rose all dressed up in her horniest costume (get it? ‘cause of the horns?), complete with a little plastic pitchfork!

TG’s long-awaited return lined up perfectly with Spoopy Season, so I figured this would be a great first Extra to offer those of you who have subscribed on Substack.

I’ve kept busy while I was away, and my art style and these character designs have continued to evolve. I’ll share more in-between art over the next few months, and we’ll get a better idea of what Rose looks like now when she’s out of costume.

(…if you know what I mean.)

(jk I’m not sending you lewds. unless?)

TG’s Relaunch Flew Off Like A Bat Out of Hell!

I’m so excited to finally be updating this comic again, and the response has been wonderful so far. I’m deeply appreciative that so many of you still have a fond place in your heart for my raunchy romcom about broke people, and I think you’re going to enjoy what I’ve cooked up.

I still have a LOT of people left to reach though, so if you can help spread the word that Treading Ground is back, I’d really appreciate it. 

If you’d like to tag me or connect, I’m @nickthewright on most social media sites.

See you on Thursday for another comic update!


or to participate.