Extra Comic | Good Hands

Now what could those be used for?

Extra Comics continue!

We’re doing Extra Comics while I build my buffer back up for the Next Big Thing. As a reminder, these are individual comics that don't fit into any particular storyline and may or not be canon.

BUT - the comic running on the main site today is one you’ve probably already seen if you’ve been reading the TG Newsletter for a while. As one of the badass TG cognoscenti, you get a lot of good stuff first.

SO - I’ve decided to share something that I haven’t shown anywhere publicly. A quick comic featuring Aya and new/old character Bex!

In the early character design phases I noticed that I’d unintentionally given her a couple of unusually large body parts, and I wondered how that eventual silly conversation might go.

This was actually a test comic, and I was experimenting with a couple of different ways of coloring it.

Over the years I’ve been repeatedly tempted by the siren song of black and white comics, because in theory they should be quicker to produce than full-color. So once in a while I will attempt B&W, or grayscale, or screentone, to see how it goes.

As you can see, it wasn’t bad, but once again it ended up being just as much work as my full-color comics, so I ended the experiment there. If it’s not going to save me any time, I may as well stick with color!

Instead, I decided to dust this off, color it the way I do it these days, and share it with the Newsletter for today’s update. It will probably never go on the main site, but I figured you might appreciate it here.

So, who is Bex?

We’ve been seeing her pop up a lot in extra art lately, including this Bunny Suits art that I seem to plaster everywhere because it makes me happy:

Without spoiling too much, I can say that she’s going to be a major character in some upcoming stories, and I can share this refsheet (which is already slightly out of date).

If you recognize that 2011 design, you’re one of the OGs! 

Bex first premiered in a comic I was calling The Idle State that came out right after TG finished its initial run. Extra points if you remember her original name!

Those comics haven’t been online in years, but they will resurface on the Patreon eventually. In the meantime, I’m excited to introduce the new and improved Bex, even though it will probably be months before we see her. (we might actually see her on the NSFW Patreon before she shows up in the comic)

I’ll be at Con Nooga in Chattanooga, Tennessee this Weekend!

Fortunately/unfortunately I am not doing the normal Artist’s Alley thing - I’m a panelist!

If you’re in the Chattanooga area and want to come to a fun multi-fandom con and see me talk mainly about Star Trek, here’s my schedule:

That’s all for now. See you next week for a new comic (and if you’re a Patron, five new comics!)


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