Extra Comic | Take It Off

Are you serious? Right in front of my Southwest Crunchadilla Wrap?

Extra Comics continue!

As a reminder, we’re doing Extra Comics for a few weeks while I build my buffer back up for the Next Big Thing. These are individual comics that don't fit into any particular storyline and may or may not be canon.

This is based on a question I really did ask my wife in a restaurant once. But since I'm not married to Rose, we both just chuckled about it.

In the next week on the TG Patreon, we'll be wrapping up the EXTREMELY NSFW Missing Pages of Face to Face! Now's a great time to join up if you haven't already. Witness the carnage firsthand!

You'll also get access to every TG comic one week early, and exclusive comics like the unreleased TG Season 2.

I’ll post some extra art on Monday, and see you next week for a new comic!


[Nate and Rose are at a fast food Mexican restaurant. Nate is standing up with his cup in his hand.]Nate: Be right back, I'm grabbing a refill.Rose (handing Nate her cup): Oh, can you get me one too?Nate (matter-of-factly): Sure. Can you take your top off?[Rose is a bit stunned][Rose is looking away and blushing, setting her cup down off-screen][Rose is grinning devilishly and looking at Nate as she starts to take off her shirt]Nate (flustered): Your DRINK! The top of your DRINK!Rose: ...Ah.


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