Extra Comic - Sweater Weather

Stay warm out there!

Extra Comic!

Why steal a hoodie when you can steal the whole guy?

More “In-Between” Art!

After I finished the original comic in 2011, I started a few other comic projects but nothing really stuck. I ended up not doing comics for several years, which was admittedly a bummer.

Eventually I realized that I missed it, and I wanted to come back to TG. I did this comic a few years ago as I was getting back into art again, so we’re seeing more “in between” character designs.

Here are a few more from that era! I was getting pretty experimental at the time.

When we get back to Rose and Nate again, you’ll see a little more art evolution. Rose’s hair is an ever-evolving process, and I eventually moved away from the “bunchy” look for Nate’s coif (as you can see from the prequel comics). I just wanted to share these as Extras, and it’s always great to see these two together!

Hope you enjoyed these Extras, and I’ll see you for a new comic on Thursday!


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