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  • Face to Face: A Treading Ground Prequel begins on 10/17!

Face to Face: A Treading Ground Prequel begins on 10/17!

Get ready for a re-Tread!

Treading Ground returns on 10/17 with an all-new Prequel story!

With all the animosity we've seen between Nate and Tracy, you have to wonder how the hell these two ended up together in the first place. And over the next several weeks, we're going to find out in Face to Face: A Treading Ground Prequel.

I've been working on this story for a LONG time, and I'm excited to finally bring it to you! I'll be updating weekly until the prequel concludes, and I'll have some more news for you by then. Until then, enjoy TG Thursdays!

You’ll get every comic in your Inbox, plus more.

You’re now signed up for the first ever TG newsletter! What this means is that you will get every comic delivered directly to you, and you’ll also get behind the scenes stuff, bonus content, and extra comics. Like this:

A comic drawn in my anime-ish cartoonly style featuring my OCs Nate and Rose. [Establishing shot, Nate and Rose at a restaurant. Nate is standing up and looking behind him with his cup in his hand.] Nate: Be right back, gonna get a refill. Rose: Oh, can you get me one too? Nate (matter-of-factly): Sure. Can you take your top off? [Rose stunned] [Rose looking down and starting to blush, putting away her drink] [Rose, with a mischievous grin, starting to lift her shirt] Nate (flustered): The DRINK! The top of your DRINK! Rose (looking away, slightly disappointed): Ah.

As you can see, I may have shaved Nate, but Rose hasn’t really changed!

So, why Substack?

Web advertising has collapsed, and that’s kind of a bummer since ads used to provide my only real revenue from the comic, but it also means I can now keep my site ad-free. And since I no longer live and die by how many people visit the main website, I can share the comic freely, including directly into your Inbox.

Given how shitty and algorithm-driven social media has gotten lately, a newsletter is the best way to reach my readers. And Substack provides a nice interface for it without costing an arm and a leg.

Seriously, thanks for joining me.

I’ve wanted to bring back Treading Ground for about a decade now. I still have a lot of stories to tell in the TG universe. I’m older and hopefully a bit wiser, and I’m making the best comics I’ve ever made. It’s fantastic to be back, and I’m so glad to have you with me for the ride!

Thanks for reading Treading Ground! This post is public so feel free to share it.


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