Face to Face | Page 2: Personal

Is romance in the air, or is it just workplace harassment?


Last time, it was just another day at the office with Tracy for Nate:

Today’s Comic

Now it’s time to unpack all that!

Ah yes, the old playground rule.

Let me know if you've ever had someone in your life who was like Tracy. How did you respond, and what ultimately happened? Spill the tea!

POLL: Panel by Panel or Full Page?

This Newsletter is still very New, so I’m still feeling some things out. I’ve been breaking up the comic into individual panels for easier reading on mobile devices, and I went ahead and sent out that version with today’s Newsletter post.

Compare that Panel by Panel View (above) with the standard Full Page view:

VOTE to let me know what view works best for you!

Another extra is on the way Monday. Have a great weekend!


or to participate.