Face to Face | Page 28: Learned

The aftermath!


Last time, Nate was stunned by Tracy’s choice of attire.

Today’s Comic

Now, it’s time to put our deduction skills to the test.

And that's all for the Face to Face Prequel. I hope you enjoyed it!

But wait, we seem to have jumped from Page 16 to Page 28. That's suspicious!


There's a lot more to this story, and you can start reading it right now!

Treading Ground has always straddled the line between NSFW and SFW. It has never been a full-on porn comic, but it also hasn't been afraid to show sexual situations and occasional mild nudity.

I did a poll a while back, and to be frank, people wanted more than just mild nudity!

It took some time for me to come up with an arrangement I was happy with, but here's how it will work:

  • Comics posted to the main site, the newsletter and social media will be the same level of raunchy romcom you're used to.

  • When the story calls for it, I'll post fully canon, fully explicit NSFW pages on the Patreon. Starting with the 11 missing pages of Face to Face!

  • You don't have to read the NSFW pages to grasp the story. Like today's update, it'll just be like we fast-forwarded past the sex scenes.

  • The NSFW Patreon Tier will also feature uncensored versions of panels from the main comic, other original NSFW art of TG characters, and more!

If you're not interested in the NSFW stuff but you still want to support the comic, you're in luck.

The Ground Treader (SFW) Tier is cheaper, and you’ll get:

  • Early Access - Next Week's Comic, Today!

  • Unreleased comic pages including the never-before-seen TG Season 2, Peached/The Idle State, and The End of Compliance

  • Extra comics no longer in the main TG archive

The NSFW Tier also gets all the SFW benefits!

I think this is pretty huge. I get to provide some exciting new content for readers of culture, while maintaining an overall comic that's suitable for a broader audience.

It's also the biggest step I've taken so far in my goal of making comics my full-time job! You'll be helping me give the middle finger to our corporate overlords, while still being able to afford internet and caffeine.

Face to Face may be finished, but we'll still have a new comic next week!

Don't forget to check out the Patreon, and I'll see you then!


[At the Food Baron, Kate is bringing an unusually-chipper-looking Nate a till from a cash register.]

Kate: Here's Jackie's till.
Nate: Got it, thanks.

[Closeup on Kate, who looks a bit devilish]
Kate: So...

[Camera pans out to show Nate and Tracy both wincing as Kate grins]
Kate: How was that customer service conference?

[Nate and Tracy both blushing, looking away from each other]

Nate: Ah, you know, fine.
Tracy: I mean, pretty boring.
Nate: Yeah, boring.

[Nate and Tracy looking at each other]
Nate: But we, uh, learned a lot.
Tracy (teasing): Well, YOU did.

[Close-up on Kate as she narrows her eyes in suspicion]

[Kate laughs loudly and Nate and Tracy are taken aback]
Kate: I KNEW It!
Kate: Y'all ARE fucking!


or to participate.